Blue Gradient

By operators. For operators.

We are a community of current and former Chime operators who invest in early stage fintechs. We are entrepreneurs, investors and operators. We have backgrounds in growth, product, engineering, operations, finance, analytics and more, determined to helping startups succeed like we did at Chime.

We aim to be the operator syndicate with highest value per dollar invested. Companies we invest in get access to our experience, network, and our commitment to empower impactful firms that provide better options for everyday people.

We love investing in amazing founders of all backgrounds, and we’re especially committed to invest in future companies founded by Chime alumni.

Operating Principles

  1. We recognize the value of profiting with users, rather than from them
  2. We invest in businesses that create high member loyalty and earn trust
  3. We believe in doing well by doing good with transparent and sustainable operating models

We’re proud to invest our time and money in operators at these startups:

*To build the best community we can for our members, we’re limiting access to current and former Chime employees only at this time